Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education at The Froebelian School

As one of Leeds’ leading independent preparatory schools, children’s health and wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that high standards of achievement and attainment are only possible when children feel safe and happy in their learning environment. Therefore, as well as ensuring academic rigour through a rich and stimulating curriculum, we also pay close attention to, and provide dedicated time, for exploring children’s personal development and emotional growth.

Our personal development programme – Jigsaw – and its cohesive vision, help children to understand and value who they are and how they fit and contribute to the world.

Designed as a whole school approach, Jigsaw provides a comprehensive, structured scheme of learning for Foundation Stage to Year 6 which encapsulates personal and social development, health and economic education, emotional literacy, mental health, social skills and spiritual development; all in a lesson-a-week schedule. The PSHEE curriculum promotes a ‘mindful approach’ and the aims of the programme are to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in an ever-changing world.

PSHEE Assembly Themes

Being Me In My World.

We talk about making the right choices and doing the right things with our hands and our mouths.

Questions we are exploring:

  • How can you make others feel welcome?
  • How can we make our community a better place?
  • Does everyone have a right to learn?
  • Do you care about other people’s feelings?

Education should prepare children to live responsibly and peacefully in a free society. (Article 29, UNICEF Rights for every Child)

Celebrating Difference.

We think how we are all unique and how it is good to be different.  We will also be learning about how important it is to respect difference and to celebrate difference.  We will be following this up in our P.S.H.E lessons in our classes.

We think about and learn to:

  • Accept that everyone is different
  • Include others when working and playing
  • Know how to help if someone is being bullied
  • Try and solve problems
  • Try and use kind words
  • Know how to give and receive compliments

Dreams and Goals

We think about and learn to:

  • Stay motivated when doing something challenging
  • Keep trying even when it is difficult
  • Work well with others in pairs or in a group
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Help others achieve their goals
  • Work hard to achieve our own dreams and goals

All children have a right to be able to give their own opinion (Article 12UNICEF Rights for every Child)

Education should prepare children to live responsibly and peacefully in a free society (Article 29UNICEF Rights for every Child)

Keeping Healthy

We think about and learn to:

  • Choosing the right foods to keep healthy
  • Exercise and how it helps our bodies
  • Healthy ways to deal with peer pressure
  • How we keep healthy at Atlas
  • The importance of keeping our bodies and minds healthy


We think about and learn to:

  • Be a good friend
  • How to be an even better friend than we are now
  • How to stay safe online when we are communicating with friends
  • How to stand up to someone who tries to “boss” or control a situation
  • Give examples of things that can cause conflict and how we can settle it using positive problem solving

Changing Me

We think about and learn to:

  • describe something I am looking forward to when I move to my next class
  • tell each other about our feelings when things change
  • discuss how humans and animals change as they get older
  • think about what kind of adults we would like to be when we are older
  • describe the amazing journey we have been on since we were born
  • know who to ask for help if we are worried about change

All children have a right to be able to give their own opinion (Article 12UNICEF Rights for every Child)

Education should prepare children to live responsibly and peacefully in a free society (Article 29UNICEF Rights for every Child)

All children have a right to be able to give their own opinion (Article 12UNICEF Rights for every Child)

Education should prepare children to live responsibly and peacefully in a free society (Article 29UNICEF Rights for every Child)

Read more about Jigsaw PSHEE