To ensure that every pupil receives sufficient individual attention, they have a full time form teacher and a full time teaching assistant.
Form II pupils continue to develop and build on the strong foundations of Form I and the Early Years whilst preparing themselves for Form III. They continue to have specialist teachers but the class teacher delivers Maths, English, Science, Geography, Art, R.E and PSHE. The curriculum is designed to both engage and challenge and it is complemented by homework and pupils are encouraged to read regularly.
Pupils’ learning is enriched through activities, visiting speakers and outings. They also have further experiences and opportunities through music, drama and sporting events and fixtures.
The best things about Froebelian, by our children in Form II:
“Going swimming on the fun day and going on the diving board.”
“Lightwater Valley!”
“Personal survival and swimming.”
“I enjoyed the Brownlee Triathlon.”
“I liked learning about the Romans.”
“I really enjoy class assemblies.”
“I really liked representing the school at the Tennis Tournament.”
“I enjoy swimming and tennis.”
“I like the art projects and school trips.”
“I enjoy art and science because the’re both just awesome.”
“I like doing art, science and geography.”
“I really really enjoyed putting together our class assembly.”